
IELTS Reading

IELTS Reading- Matching Information to Paragraphs

The main challenge in this type of question is that the answers may not be in order and can appear anywhere in the text. To effectively approach this task, follow these steps:

1. Read the questions first and think about synonyms or paraphrases for the statements to help identify the answers. Restating the statements in your own words can aid in this process.

2. Skim the reading text quickly to get a general understanding of its meaning.

3. Revisit the question statements and predict which paragraphs might contain the answers.

4. Scan the paragraphs you identified in the previous step for synonyms or matching information. If you find a potential answer, underline it.

5. Check back with the question statements and mark the answer if it is correct. If not, continue searching in other paragraphs.

Here’s an example from the provided link:

Use the information in the text of the reading passage to match the people (listed A-E) with the opinions (listed 1-7) below.

Write the appropriate letter (A-E) in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

Some people match more than one opinion.

A Dr Broca

B Dr Brinkman

C Geschwind and Galaburda

D Charles Moore

E Professor Turner



1. Human beings started to show a preference for right-handedness when they first developed language. – B (Dr Brinkman)

2. Society is prejudiced against left-handed people. – D (Charles Moore)

3. Boys are more likely to be left-handed. – C (Geschwind and Galaburda)

4. After a stroke, left-handed people recover their speech more quickly than right-handed people. – A (Dr Broca)

5. People who suffer strokes on the left side of the brain usually lose their power of speech.

6. The two sides of the brain develop different functions before birth.

7. Asymmetry is a common feature of the human body.


For each question, find the keywords in the question statement and look for similar words in the reading passage to identify the answers.

By following this approach, you can efficiently find the answers in the reading passage and improve your accuracy and speed in solving this type of question. Regular practice with such questions will help you become more familiar with the passage and enhance your performance in the IELTS exam.


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